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Simulate Swap

Simulates a swap given the swap parameters.

Request URL


curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"amount_in": "10",
"asset_in": "usdt",
"asset_out": "nibi",
"contract": "nibi1nsvx0s8kj2jn0smcrz4t0wga9dtrjkvsfd24ay5jrkw3jgrhjmeq8suvmz",
"min_amount_out": "1",
"swaps": ["usdt","nibi"]



Swap Transaction Details

amount_inStringThe amount of the asset being swapped in.
asset_inStringThe Id of the input asset.
asset_outStringThe Id of the output asset.
contractStringThe address of the router contract.
min_amount_outStringThe minimum amount of the output asset for the swap to be considered a success.
swapsArrayA list of swaps to execute to get from asset_in to asset_out.

Example Response
